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Pre-condition for MediumPre-condition for Medium

*The main function is improving humidity of liner paper and tension power use.
*here have three types:
PC-8, PC-10, PC-12
*Pre-heating roller diameter 800mm, 1000mm and 1200mm. Pre-heating roller is one way free rotary. Paper's guide roller one is fixed, and the other one is on spring base.
PC-E8, PC-E10, PC-E12
*Pre-heating roller diameter 800mm, 1000mm and 1200mm. Pre-heating roller is one way free rotary. Paper's guide roller one is traveling outside pre-heating roller which the max. cover-angle can reach 210. 
PC-E8R, PC-E10R, PC-E12R
*Pre-heating roller diameter 800mm, 1000mm and 1200mm.
*Pre-heating roller is divided into rotary at constant speed or rotary synchronous with Single Facer. Paper's guide roller one is fixed, and the other one is traveling outside pre-heating roller which the max. Cover-angle can reach 210°.
*The main components are machine frame, pre-heating roller that made by steel, paper's guide roller and brake etc.
*Brake has two types: manual brake and pneumatic brake.

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